A Charlotte Mason Education for All

Author: Jennifer (Page 1 of 3)

Jennifer Gehman is a co-creator of Wildwood Curriculum, a certified teacher, and a facilitator with the Neufeld Institute. She lives and plays with her partner and five children in Canada. Though four of her oldest have graduated from homeschool they still ask her to edit their university papers. Her youngest is still learning in the living room.

2022-2023 Family Picture Study

Note: The picture study rotation was updated in July 2020. Some of the artists that were originally in the rotation were removed to make way a more balanced selection in terms of gender and nationality. This unfortunately had the impact of moving some artists around and you may have already studied the artists listed for this. If that is the case, consider choosing an artist from another year.

Andy Warhol (1928-1987)

Just a note that some of Andy Warhol's work is meant for adult audiences. Please preview materials to determine their suitability for your family.

  • Wikipedia
  • Andy Warhol by Mike Venezia (AMZ)
  • Art Is Everywhere: A Book About Andy Warhol by Jeff Mack (AMZ)



BOOKS and articles:



2021-2022 Family Picture Study

Note: The picture study rotation was updated in July 2020. Some of the artists that were originally in the rotation were removed to make way a more balanced selection in terms of gender and nationality. This unfortunately had the impact of moving some artists around and you may have already studied the artists listed for this. We have included an optional replacement artist at the bottom if that is the case.

Grandma Moses (1860-1961) (or Laura Wheeler Waring - see below)


A documentary made before she died: Grandma Moses! America’s Most Loved Painter of Folk Art! See this lesson plan for ideas on discussing her art.

The Checkered House was a local legend. Situated along the Cambridge Turnpike, it was an inn where stagecoach drivers had changed horses as far back as the eighteenth century. During the Revolutionary War, the inn served as General Baum’s headquarters and field hospital. Its checkerboard front made the house a distinctive landmark that was remembered long after it burned in 1907. Moses painted a number of versions of “Checkered House,” in both winter and summer. When asked how she managed to come up with a new composition each time, she said she imagined the scene as if she were looking at it through a window. By then shifting her viewpoint slightly, she could cause the elements to fall into place differently. Compare with this onethis oneand this one in winter.

  • Taking in the Laundry (1951) Moses recalled that the painting was inspired by a poem she had learned in school as a child. Some seventy years later, she could still recite it by heart:

Oh, Monday was our washing day,
and while the clothes were drying,
a wind came whistling through the line
and set them all a-flying.
I saw the shirts and petticoats
go flying off like witches.
I lost (oh bitterly I wept),
I lost my Sunday breeches.
I saw them flying through the air,
alas too late to save them.
A hole was in their ample part,
as if an imp had worn them.

Secular Holiday Songs from Wildwood

Here at Wildwood, we know that sometimes finding secular holiday music can be difficult. So we put together a collection of some of our favourite secular music to enjoy during the Holiday season. 

[Stonechats 15] Holiday Edition

Join Marjorie, Miriam and Jennifer as they reflect on routines, rituals and stress over the holiday season and share some of what has worked for their families.

(This session was pre-recorded last year in December 2019.)

NB: Possible Santa Claus Spoilers

You can also check out the video version this podcast on YouTube.

The Team
Marjorie Lang – https://juniperpines.com/
Miriam Hur – https://wildwoodbeginnings.weebly.com/
Jennifer Gehman – http://connectionsforlearning.ca/
Laurie Connor – https://www.connerorchards.com/

2020-2021 Family Picture Study

Note: The picture study rotation was updated in July 2020. Some of the artists that were originally in the rotation were removed to make way a more balanced selection in terms of gender and nationality. This unfortunately had the impact of moving some artists around and you may have already studied the artists listed for this. We have included an optional replacement artist at the bottom if that is the case.

Claude Monet (1840-1926)

Monet is such a popular artist that you are encouraged to check out your library for a selection of books about his life and works. There are several lovely children's book.

Suggested Selections:

Amrita Sher-Gil (1913-1941)

Amrita Sher Gil: Rebel with a Paint Brush by Anita vachharajani

BOOKS and articles:

OPTIONAL: Angelica Kauffman (1741 – 1807)

BOOKS and Articles:

[Stonechats 14] Reading Problems with Kim Stoddard Part 2

Join us part 2 of our chat with reading specialist Kim Stoddard from Born 2 Read about reading problems, dyslexia, and strategies that parents can use when they and their children are struggling.

Links for some of the items referenced in this episode:

Orton Gillingham System
All About Reading
Logic of English
Barton Reading
Pride Reading Program

Is my Child Ready for Barton? Barton Student Screening Test

Foundations in Sounds - if a child cannot pass the screening test

Check out our other episodes here.

[Stonechats 13] Reading Problems with Kim Stoddard Part 1

Join us this episode and the next as we chat with reading specialist Kim Stoddard from Born 2 Read about reading problems, dyslexia, and strategies that parents can use when they and their children are struggling.

[Stonechats 12] Reading with Melisa Nielsen

Today Marjorie, Miriam and Jennifer discuss reading with Melisa Nielsen of Waldorf Essentials. Melisa is a Waldorf educator, parent coach, and homeschooling mother of 5 children, two of whom have spectrum struggles. The Waldorf approach to early education  is very similar to Miss Mason's own approach. Both methods are developmental, experiential in nature and honor the individual child. Melisa comes with a wealth of ideas for helping parents teach reading.

  • 1:00 - Introduction to Melisa Nielsen
  • 2:55 - An overview of Melisa's Waldorf-centric way to teach reading
  • 6:39 - Shellie Davidow readers
  • 7:45 - Is there a reason you introduce vowels after consonants?
  • 9:18 - What if a young child wants to read?
    - Jodie Mesler's Living Music program
  • 10:15 - How do you actually teach the letters?
  • 15:07 - What is the best age to start? What do you do with young children wanting to learn to read?
  • 17:43 - What are the most common problems moms come to you with and what is your advice?
  • 27:23 - At what point do you say you need outside help?
  • 43:05 - What non-reading parts of the day should you definitely not skip that would support reading indirectly ?
  • 46:14 - What are your recommendations for children who are reading very early?
  • 51:04 - Nature Minutes

[Stonechats 11] Singing with Crystal Hosea

Marjorie, Jennifer and Miriam are joined today with Crystal Hosea, creator of Legends of the Staff of Musique, a comprehensive music curriculum inspired by the unique environment of home education, and incorporating movement and art alongside the voice.

  • Introduction - Crystal explains how Legends of the Staff of Musique explores music in a holistic way through singing and movement.
  • 3:50 - How do you bring singing to your children if you are not a confident singer yourself?
  • 6:33  - If you feel you sing off-key all the time, should you still sing to your children or will you be teaching them to sing off-key?
  • 8:30 - How do you incorporate singing into your day rather than having it just be a lesson time?
  • 15:00 - What is the purpose of learning folksongs versus pop songs and what is, any is your personal preference?
  • 24:45 - What if your child of whatever age is resistant to singing and think it's lame or dumb?
  • 38:30 - How is brain development affected by singing?
  • 43:40 - Why did you incorporate art into your music curriculum, Legends of the Staff Musique
  • 49:30 - Nature Minutes 

[Stonechats 10] Live Q and A

We hosted a Live a Q and A! Here are our responses.

  • 2:00 How do you organize everything?
  • 16:00 Is creative nonfiction the same as a living book?
  • 21:00 Are audiobooks living books? What is a living book?
  • 30:00 How do you balance teaching while still preserving “a quiet growing time”?
  • 38:00 How do you use KISS grammar?
  • 45:00 What can you do in the early years to create rhythm?
  • 55:00 Nature minutes
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