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For a breakdown of how a week was scheduled, read this post: Form III Schedules for Today
Narration (oral or written) at the end of each lesson. At least two written narrations each day.
Sunday Occupations
All terms:
A Book of Centuries. Choose and inscribe texts and mottoes, using your best handwriting. Design holiday cards.
For Weekend Reading (Optional):
- Longitude: How A Lone Genius Solved the Greatest Problem of His Time
- Made You Look: How Advertising Works and Why You Should Know by Shari Graydon [AMZ]
Each term:
Continue with handwriting instruction and practice as necessary or desired.
Transcribe some of your favorite passages from this term's Shakespeare selection, or from Poetry Books.
[The programmes say "A New Handwriting by M. M. Bridges; teacher to study instructions; work from card 6. Choose and transcribe passages from A Midsummer Night's Dream, and other books set."]
(best handwriting to be used)
All terms:
Two or three pages or a passage (to be prepared first) from a newspaper, or, from the prose and poetry set for reading; words not known to be visualized (see Home Education p 240-243); a paragraph to be then dictated.
In other words, choose two or three pages to go over with your student, noting punctuation and difficult spelling words. If they are unsure of the spelling of certain words, they should visualize them. Once the student feels he knows the passage well enough, a paragraph of your choosing is dictated. This may take several days of preparation.
For exams, a paragraph should be dictated without first reviewing the passage it is taken from.
(oral or written narration each day)
All terms:
Write, in verse or prose, on
- (a) some subject under History, Reading, or Literature
- (b) the news of the week.
- (c) some historical or allegorical subject taken from the term's reading
Doggerel must not be written. Try to imitate the meters of poems you are reading, particularly ones favored by the term’s poet.
(from Wikipedia: Doggerel is poetry that is irregular in rhythm and in rhyme, often deliberately for burlesque or comic effect. Alternatively, it can mean verse which has a monotonous rhythm, easy rhyme, and cheap or trivial meaning.)
Occasionally, write a summary two days after reading on some subject in Literature, news of the week, or history.
Begin working with the student to manipulate the material that is being learned, rather than straight narration. For example, change scenes from books into plays, write newspaper articles about characters in the books being read, write conversations between two characters from different books.
Also, introduce literary analysis and terms, such as setting, plot, climax, and theme.
Write on subjects read previously in the week (for example, on Tuesdays read news of the week, and write about it on Thursdays).
If you need hand-holding with Composition, use Season 2 of Beyond the Book Report from Analytical Grammar. Spread this over Term 1, and then continue to practice these skills for Terms 2 & 3.
English Grammar
All terms:
Parse and analyse, each week, from a book of poetry and of prose, making progress each term.
Continue with your grammar program of choice. Some options: KISS Grammar, Analytical Grammar, Winston Grammar.
(including holiday and evening reading)
All terms:
A Book of Luminous Things by Czesław Miłosz [AMZ]: read poems from the middle ages/Renaissance
- Term 1:
- A Little History of Literature [AMZ] by John Sutherland, ch 21-26
- This term’s Shakespeare selection
- Robinson Crusoe (included for literary merit, but please discuss with your student the attitudes of the time)
- Focus Poet: Naomi Shihab Nye - Voices in the Air
- Term 2:
- A Little History of Literature by John Sutherland, ch 27-33
- This term’s Shakespeare selection
- The Discovery of Guiana by Sir Walter Raleigh (read together and discuss)
- Focus Poet: The Bulletin Debate Poems (read about the Bulletin debate here)
- Term 3:
- A Little History of Literature by John Sutherland, p 33-40
- This term’s Shakespeare selection
- The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawhorne
- Focus Poet: Elizabeth Barrett Browning
(Note that Elizabeth Barrett Browning frequently references "God" in her poems. We include her because her sonnet How Do I Love Thee? is one of the most popular poems in English literature, and her poetry had a major influence on prominent writers of her day.)
U.S. History (Canadian users see this page)
Read a students' daily news report and keep a calendar of events. Optional: Complete a chart of the 20th century (see this post about the Century Chart -- not affiliated with Wildwood Curriculum)
Consider watching Edwardian Farm and Wartime Farm (BBC) and 1940's House on YouTube or through your library.
- Term 1:
- Before Columbus: The Americas of 1491 by Charles C. Mann p 1-68
- Term 2:
- Before Columbus: The Americas of 1491 p 69-108
- These Truths by Jill Lepore p 3-30
- Term 3:
- These Truths p 31-57
- A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America by Ronald Takaki p 23-top of 62
Note: A Different Mirror will be used very briefly in Form 4, and then more thoroughly in Forms 5 & 6. An Indigenous People's History of the United States is assigned under Reading.
General History
Keep a Book of Centuries, putting in illustrations from all the history studied during the term. Visit history museums regularly.
If you have access to a large history museum that covers multiple civilizations or time periods, focus on one time of these each term. Add in additional information about that period or civilization to enhance your studies.
- Term 1:
- China: Land of Dragons and Emperors by Adeline Yen Mah p 17-64
- The Early Human World by Peter Robertshaw & Jill Rubalcaba, p 93-118
- Term 2:
- China: Land of Dragons and Emperors p 65-124
- The Early Human World p 119-136
- Term 3:
- China: Land of Dragons and Emperors p 125-180
- The Early Human World p 137-160
The PNEU programmes also recommended a Classical dictionary and Classical atlas as references. Cities of the Classical World is one possible choice for an atlas.
- Term 1:
- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (Spread this out over 2 years. Read approximately 1/6 of the book each term.) [AMZ]
- This term's Plutarch selection
- The Politics Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained by DK [AMZ] p. 84-113
- Term 2:
- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (Spread this out over 2 years. Read approximately 1/6 of the book each term.) [AMZ]
- This term's Plutarch selection
- The Politics Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained by DK [AMZ] p. 116-143
- Term 3:
- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (Spread this out over 2 years. Read approximately 1/6 of the book each term.) [AMZ]
- This term's Plutarch selection
- The Politics Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained by DK [AMZ] p. 144-165
Map questions to be answered from map before each lesson; then reading and narration; memory sketch maps.
Know something about foreign places coming into notice in the current newspapers (see under History). Ten minutes' exercise on maps of the world every week.
Teacher may find useful Out-door Geography by H. Hatch [AMZ]
- Term 1
- The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Geography Ch 10-11 [BN]
- Physical Geography by Geike, sections 148-186
- Pole to Pole by Michael Palin, Days 1-47 [AMZ}
- Term 2
- The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Geography Ch 12-15
- Physical Geography by Geike, sections 187-223
- Pole to Pole by Michael Palin, days 48-95 [AMZ]
- Term 3
- The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Geography Ch 16-20
- Physical Geography by Geike, sections 224-270
- Pole to Pole by Michael Palin, Days 96-end [AMZ]
Note that Physical Geography by Geike is an older book and refers to telegrams and "carbonic acid" which is a name given to carbon dioxide in water. If you did not use it last year, you may wish to supplement this with TOPS Earth, Moon, and Sun, which would also make a great "special study" for natural history .
Complete Idiot's Guide to Geography, 3rd edition, is going out of print. If you can't find it for a reasonable price, substitute World Regional Geography by Finlayson [AMZ]
Natural History and Botany
Keep a Nature Note-Book (see Home Education, p 54-55), with flower, bird and insect lists, and make daily notes. For out-door work, some special study suitable to season and climate. A Nature Study Guide by W. S. Furneaux, The Changing Year by F. M. Haines may be used.
Consider adding TOPS Green Thumbs: Corn and Beans for hands-on, practical experience and to bring the science current.
Each term:
- Term 1
- The Study of Plant Life by Stopes p 86-103, 123-140
- Consider the Platypus by Maggie Sandford p 10-51
- Term 2
- The Study of Plant Life by Stopes p 141-177, and see p 195
- Consider the Platypus by Maggie Sandford p 52-93
- Term 3
- The Study of Plant Life by Stopes p 178-196
- Consider the Platypus by Maggie Sandford p 94-135
General Science
- Term 1
- Objects in Motion: Secrets of the Universe by Paul Fleisher p 7-49 [AMZ]
- Term 2
- Objects in Motion: Secrets of the Universe by Paul Fleisher p 50- end
- Term 3
- Relativity and Quantum Mechanics: Secrets of the Universe by Paul Fleisher [AMZ]
Picture Talk
Study, describe (and draw from memory details of) six reproductions of pictures from the artist of your choice, or the term's artist.
See Home Education p 307-311, and School Education p 239.
First foreign language (French/German/Spanish)
- Read Home Education for how to teach a second language.
- Use the program of your choice. If you have been studying a foreign language orally for at least two years, then add in grammar, exercises, and reading.
- Consider The ULAT, which is inexpensive and oral for the first 2+ years. Parents will likely need to monitor to make sure the student is repeating the words and actions and not simply watching the videos. The first 15 lessons are free.
- Read several poems in your target language and learn one.
- Learn three songs per term in the language you are studying.
Continue working through a Latin course. If you've been following Charlotte Mason's progression, this is your fourth year of Latin. Students continued to read, translate, and narrate Latin passages each term, as well as studied grammar, declensions, and conjugations.
For Latin recommendations, see this page.
Second foreign language
Begin, or continue, a second foreign language. We recommend your child begin learning orally first before being introduced to the written language. In the PNEU programmes, the families were given a choice between Italian and German, with Italian being preferred.
Choose one that is relevant to your area or family, or that your child is particularly interested in. Interest goes a long way towards learning difficult subjects.
Continue with the math program of your choice. Charlotte Mason taught Arithmetic, Geometry, and Algebra concurrently at this level, working out of multiple books.
This does not mean, however, to do a full program of all three at once. For example, there were 10 pages from the geometry book assigned for the term, and algebra 15 pages.
Practice quick mental exercises and review previous work regularly.
Continue to read interesting mathematical books in leisure time.
Continue drawing instruction regularly, allowing the student to draw and sketch what interests him or her.
The Drawing Lesson: A Graphic Novel That Teaches You How to Draw
If you completed this book last year, work through it again. If you are spreading it out over two years, continue where you left off.
Illustrate several scenes from literature, mottoes, or fables.
Musical Appreciation
Use this term's selection from the Composer Rotation, or choose your own to study.
What to Listen for in Music by Aaron Copland [AMZ]
- Term 1
- Song of the Witches by Shakespeare
- I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
- Two poems of the student's choice
- Term 2
- The Negro Speaks of Rivers by Langston Hughes
- A Spell for Creation by Kathleen Raine
- Invictus by William Ernest Henley
- 1-2 poems of student's choice
- Term 3
- Rebecca Who Slammed Doors for Fun and Perished Miserably by Hillaire Belloc
- Praise the Rain by Joy Harjo
- Two poems of student's choice
A selection from this year's Shakespeare selection.
*Please not that accepted word usage changes over time. In the U.S. in the 1920s, W.E.B. DuBois advocated for the term "Negro" to replace "colored", following the lead of Booker T. Washington. This terminology, chosen by Black leaders themselves, was the preferred term until the 1970s.
(including holiday and evening reading)
Books set under Literature, History, Geography should afford exercise in careful reading and in composition.
Poetry should be read daily.
- Term 1
- Bulfinch's Age of Fable Ch XXXII “Elsium” - XXXV “Origins of Mythology”
- The Story of Sigurd the Volsung by William Morris (epic poem)
- Sarashina Diary
- Indigenous People's History of the United States for Young People, Introduction - Ch 1
*Note - The Story of Sigurd is based on the Volsunga Saga, which while it's Icelandic poetry was transcribed by monks and therefore has a few items slipped in about "the one God" defeating the Norse Gods - it's good to discuss not only the monks' worldview bias but also what may or may not have been allowed to be written down by the Church.
- Term 2
- Bulfinch's Age of Fable Ch XXXV “Statues of the Gods” - XXXVIII “Of Thor and Other Gods”
- A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park
- Term 3
- Bulfinch's Age of Fable Ch XXXVIII “Of Loki and His Progeny” - XLI (end)
- Indigenous People's History of the United States for Young People, Ch 2
- The Sword in the Stone by T. H. White
- Sal and Gabi Break the Universe (note - there is some juvenile humor, e.g. in one scene a boy gives a school presentation on the various types of wedgies or snuggies)
Continue music lessons on your instrument of choice. The PNEU programmes had the student learn a suitable composition from the term's Musical Appreciation composer.
The term's songs, or choose your own.
Three songs from your first foreign language.
If you have a religious tradition, use one of your tradition's songs (hymns) in place of one of the folk songs each term.
Continue sol-fa or sight singing.
Drill, etc.
Daily physical activity, some during the movement/singing/play break midway through the day's lessons.
Students in the PNEU were learning graceful exercises, English country dances, Scandinavian dances, and playing hockey and "net ball".
In short, get your students moving! Play ball in the yard as a family, get a net and play badminton, or get a dvd that teaches country dances.
You could certainly continue doing yoga in this space.
Another idea for an occasional fun break - have you thought of playing The Youth Fitness Song for your kids? If you went to school in the 70s or 80s, you'll know this as "The Chicken Fat Song". There are several snippets available on YouTube.
Each term:
Learn to type: typing.com
Teach should consult: Drawing, Design, and Craftwork by F. J. Glass
Do some definite house or garden work. Square Foot Gardening, or here is a site with good tips for gardening with teens.
Both boys and girls, darn and mend garments from the wash each week: ABC's of Mending
- Term 1
- Make a basket: Colonial Basket Kit (if using the Scout Kit from basketweaving.com, make the Original Beginner Kit)
- Cardboard modelling: make six models
- Make models (2 or more) for light woodworking:
- Make Inventive Wooden Toys [AMZ]
- or (free) Light Woodworking
- Term 2
- Cardboard modelling: make six models
- 4-5 light woodworking models
- make an 8-strand plait (flat braid)
(preferably tablet weaving if we can find an inexpensive kit)
- if your child has mobility struggles, make lucet cording
- Term 3
- Clay modelling
- cardboard modelling: make six models
- make a garment
Participate in a Scouting program or 4-H.
Do some volunteer work, either through an organization like Scouts or your religious organization, or on your own as a family.
World Religions, Philosophy and Logic
N.B. (nota bene -- take special notice)
Pupils should spend two years in Form III (average ages 12 to 14)
For methods of teaching the various subjects, see Charlotte Mason's books Home Education, School Education, and A Philosophy of Education.
Parents are asked to remember that an average pupil should cover the whole programme suitable for his age; also that provision is made for holiday and evening reading, occupations, and hobbies.
The work of the Programmes cannot be fully carried out unless each child keeps a Nature Note Book and a Century Book.
You may also find our podcast, Stonechats, helpful.
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