Today Marjorie, Miriam and Jennifer discuss reading with Melisa Nielsen of Waldorf Essentials. Melisa is a Waldorf educator, parent coach, and homeschooling mother of 5 children, two of whom have spectrum struggles. The Waldorf approach to early education is very similar to Miss Mason's own approach. Both methods are developmental, experiential in nature and honor the individual child. Melisa comes with a wealth of ideas for helping parents teach reading.
- 1:00 - Introduction to Melisa Nielsen
- 2:55 - An overview of Melisa's Waldorf-centric way to teach reading
- 6:39 - Shellie Davidow readers
- 7:45 - Is there a reason you introduce vowels after consonants?
- 9:18 - What if a young child wants to read?
- Jodie Mesler's Living Music program - 10:15 - How do you actually teach the letters?
- 15:07 - What is the best age to start? What do you do with young children wanting to learn to read?
- 17:43 - What are the most common problems moms come to you with and what is your advice?
- 27:23 - At what point do you say you need outside help?
- 43:05 - What non-reading parts of the day should you definitely not skip that would support reading indirectly ?
- 46:14 - What are your recommendations for children who are reading very early?
- 51:04 - Nature Minutes
Jennifer Gehman is a co-creator of Wildwood Curriculum, a certified teacher, and a facilitator with the Neufeld Institute. She lives and plays with her partner and five children in Canada. Though four of her oldest have graduated from homeschool they still ask her to edit their university papers. Her youngest is still learning in the living room.
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